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Joy Art for a Cause: Share JOYS! Project (inactive account)

Eugene, OR

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  • About Joy Art for a Cause: Share JOYS! Project

    With Joy Art for a Cause, compassionate creative community members join together to co-create art that gives, makes a positive difference, and intentionally shares joys when people need it most! Come create handmade greeting cards, painted Joy Rocks, and Bookmarks of Joy with positive affirmations and heartfelt messages for uplifting children and others in crisis, included those experiencing trauma, abuse, homelessness, long-term illness, or seniors and those in residential care facilities- reaching out to those who could use extra love and supportive encouragement.

    ***Open to adult creatives with a dedicated compassionate heart and a joyful, loving intention toward the good causes that the Joy Art supports with this vision.***

    What we're really good at

    inspiring through gifting our art creations to good causes and encouraging people who deeply need uplifting and support from people in the outside community. In so doing, the art projects provide an added bonus of being artfully and joyfully therapeutic for all involved, from start to finish, and the joy continues forward while being one of many wonderful ways to foster a more harmonious and compassionate community, overall.

    Contact us if

    You would like to participate in Joy Art for a Cause events and/or you know of free or low cost venues that can hold more than 10 at a time.