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Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 12:54 AM

Introducing the Kindista Blog

By: Benjamin Crandall

Introducing the Kindista Blog

I am very excited to announce the launch of the new Kindista Blog.

This blog is a place to share stories of kindness and appreciation, of community and connection. And it is a place to document a developing cultural paradigm shift - from fear and separation, to love and wholeness.

We have such incredible abundance all around us. I believe that when we really learn how to share it - the way we teach our kids to share - we will have peace on this planet. I am devoting my life to realizing that vision, and I believe the shift is already underway. Maybe not overnight, but I fully expect to live to see a new age of global peace and harmony.

We will get there by developing networks of mutual trust and shared prosperity. This shift will happen when join together to make it happen; as the saying goes "we are the ones we've been waiting for." That doesn't mean we all need to stop using money or quit our jobs. To the contrary, the generous and intentional use of money can be a powerful tool towards a more harmonious world. And everyone should be supported in work that gives us purpose and serves our community and our planet.

But if the world is to change we must change as well. Monotonous, soul sucking, and exploitative "jobs" will continue to be replaced with technology - computers and robots - over the coming years. This shift has the potential to free up our time and energy to focus on deepening our relationships, pursuing creative endeavors, and our service to each other. But we must learn to share better or else billions will be left behind.

Life is inviting us to keep taking another step - sometimes a baby step, sometimes what feels like a giant leap of faith - towards sharing, trusting, and caring more deeply about each other. This promises to be a beautiful journey together, a journey towards the wholeness of a healed humanity.

Let us share in our joys and challenges as we grow our networks of cooperation and trust - as we let our lives exemplify the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.