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Friday, April 14, 2017 at 11:04 PM

Spring Cleaning

By: Benjamin Crandall

I recently moved and am finding that I have a ton of stuff that I haven’t used since the last time I moved… six years ago. I don’t want to go through life with a mountain of stuff that I never use. Who’s with me? It’s that time of year, let’s do this!

Spring cleaning on Kindista!!!

How many of us have tools, clothes, equipment, electronics, musical instruments and sports gear in our closets and attics that we never use? Let’s share all that stuff and make each other’s lives a little easier (and less expensive), and lighten our loads in the process.

I don’t know about you, but some of the items I’m not using anymore were pretty spendy to buy. I want to reinvest that value back into my community, and I want to do it in a way that helps build trust and grows the culture of sharing. I also want to do what I can to support those who are already sharing to keep it up.

I know that when I give continually without receiving I can eventually start feeling burned out. So in that vein, I’m going to give preference to those I have witnessed sharing in my community and those who have a history of sharing through Kindista.

I continue to be inspired by the vision of a world where life is just easy for everyone because we have a culture of sharing; of showing up for each other and helping each other out. Let’s make this spring cleaning drive a step in that direction.

Also, a little reminder from my last blog post; we are in the process of building a leadership team for Kindista. We still have a way to go to fill all the roles that Kindista needs to thrive. Will you help us organize a revolution of kindness? Please email us if you’d like to get involved, and spread the word if you know anyone who might be a good fit for our team.

100 months ago

Jeannie S replied:

It would not allow me to contact you because I have had nothing to offer as yet. I am brand new to Kindista. But I am very interested in a "revolution of kindness".
I will be going through my closets (Spring cleaning) and will have lots to offer in the coming weeks.
Will you be posting more ideas, roles, etc on the FB page? That would be a good way to share the revolution of kindness also.
Jeannie S