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White Conversation on Race: Do I Have White Privilege?

Posted by Laura Ray 48 months ago

Time: Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 10:30 AM
Place: Eugene, OR 97401, USA

Join a free online conversation via Zoom for White people to discuss race, particularly White folks who have not talked much about race before. Have you heard the term "White privilege" but don't see how it applies to you? Perhaps you've had hardships but see People of Color getting advantages like affirmative action. Maybe you agree that Black people are treated differently by police, but not that People of Color are disadvantaged in other areas of society. If you question the term "White privilege" but are open to a debate and exploration of this topic, please join this conversation. Register online at:

Our online conversations are based on mutual respect and non-judgment. The goal is for participants to learn and grow together. We create spaces for White people to come together with others who have experienced being White, to talk with each other about how race affects our daily lives and how to create justice for all. These are not easy conversations for most White people, but we aim to provide a safe and productive introduction to issues of racism.