Eugene, OR, US
Aaron Ertsgaard joined Kindista
Bruce Coxon joined Kindista
Jason Lieberman expressed gratitude for Bruce Coxon
Thanks for helping me fix that bike problem :)
Peter Grotticelli joined Kindista
Peter Grotticelli expressed gratitude for Nick Routledge
I would like to thank Nick for being an awesome collaborator in our avant-gardeners group.
Karen Moore joined Kindista
Grant Mueller joined Kindista
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Megan Swan, Williex Merritt, Sara Clark, and John Monroe
Thank you all for a fantastic CommonGoods Network board meeting this morning! The discussion was invigorating and very productive. I am grateful to be working with you all!
Myles Knebel expressed gratitude for Megan Swan
Thanks for getting me to sign up for kindista!
Jason Lieberman expressed gratitude for Deva Chodron
Thank you for the visioning on Sunday, it brought more into focus and clarity, and thank you in general for sharing your gifts with the community :)
Marianna Monaco expressed gratitude for Bill Heyn and Alison Heyn
Thank you for the sensational plum jam!!! I want the recipe.
Sage Komisar joined Kindista
Tyrone Russ joined Kindista
John Monroe expressed gratitude for Eamon Walker and Benjamin Crandall
Benjamin and Eamon set me up with the single coolest computer I've ever used--a Toshiba laptop running ArchLinux. I get to play around on Vim and explore the Kindista source code, written in LISP. I feel like I have a better grasp of computers than ever before. Working with them is increasing my understanding of these things a lot. Thank you both so much!
Shanalea Shakti Forrest joined Kindista
Laura Corbin joined Kindista
barb ryan joined Kindista
Marianna Monaco expressed gratitude for Heather Sielicki
Many thanks for sharing your technical expertise on social media and smart phones.
Marianna Monaco expressed gratitude for Heather Sielicki
Thanks for the gift of kombucha mothers.