LA Malm expressed gratitude for Aging in Community
This looks great!! thank you
Riky Melloe expressed gratitude for Tom Atlee
yum :) thank you for the tea!!
Shining Bill Matte expressed gratitude for Tom Atlee
Thanks for making me aware of this site!
John Abbe expressed gratitude for Walnut Street Co-op, Tom Atlee, and Sarah S
Thank you to Tom & Sarah for doing so much of the hard work (and I know at least some fun work) that keeps Walnut Street Co-operative going. The co-op gives so much - directly to the people who live there and have lived there, and indirectly to others who learn about or get to come visit.
Erica Mary expressed gratitude for Tom Atlee
Thank you so much for your kindness and patience. The new massager is a great addition to my home and I love the bonus gift. :)
Kris Topaz expressed gratitude for Tom Atlee
Thank you so much for the perfect horse, Tom. Sorry I was in such a rush....I was actually talking to Angel on the phone! hope to see you again and let me know if I can do anything for you. Would you like some battery-operated timers for hoses for garden? Kris
Susan Detroy expressed gratitude for Tom Atlee
Thank you Tom
Lama Tsering expressed gratitude for Tom Atlee
Very grateful to have met Tom, and thank him for offering three books for me to read. Fascinating man and I hope to co-intelligently work with him in the future, for social justice, political reform, and ... just the general welfare of everyone everywhere. Thank you Tom for just being in this world.
Zahra Indigo expressed gratitude for Heather Sielicki
Heather, thank you for your prior participation in the Emerald Valley Time Exchange! As we transition to Kindista, I want to acknowledge the 48.25 hours you gave to the EVTE community.
Amanda Krichbaum expressed gratitude for Tom Atlee
Tom gave me two beautiful bags to help carry stuff around during the summer,
Marianna Monaco expressed gratitude for Heather Sielicki
Many thanks for sharing your technical expertise on social media and smart phones.
Marianna Monaco expressed gratitude for Heather Sielicki
Thanks for the gift of kombucha mothers.
Tom Atlee was acknowledged by The Kindista Team
Kindista brainstorming and strategizing session.
Tom Atlee was acknowledged by Sarah S
Thanks for loaning me the book Still Alice Tom! Look forward to borrowing more great books!
Tom Atlee was acknowledged by Kavana Tree Bressen
I arranged with Dulcy Lee to give her used Register Guards to Tree each week.