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Time: | 10:30 AM |
Schedule: | Every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday |
Place: | 450 West 3rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
The Warrior Sister Society provides free women-only self defense classes at the Petersen Barn Community Center every Saturday at 10:30 am. Free chil... see more
Time: | 6:30 PM |
Schedule: | Every 2 weeks on Sunday |
Place: | 1325 Jefferson St, Eugene, OR 97402, USA |
We do traditional dances from around the world along with newly choreographed dances to a variety of world music. ... see more
Time: | 10:30 AM |
Schedule: | Every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday |
Place: | 450 West 3rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
The Warrior Sister Society provides free women-only self defense classes at the Petersen Barn Community Center every Saturday at 10:30 am. Free chil... see more
Time: | 5:30 PM |
Schedule: | Every Tuesday |
Place: | 1641 Alder St, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
The Cascadia Forest Defenders are offering free climb trainings for those interested in getting involved with environmental direct action! Join us and... see more
Time: | 10:30 AM |
Schedule: | Every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday |
Place: | 450 West 3rd Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
The Warrior Sister Society provides free women-only self defense classes at the Petersen Barn Community Center every Saturday at 10:30 am. Free chil... see more
Time: | 7:00 PM |
Schedule: | Every month on the third and last Thursday |
Place: | 454 Willamette St, Eugene, OR 97401, USA |
Join us for a potluck and a chance to hang out with KEPW staff and other volunteers. Then at 7pm, the steering committee meets.
Meetings are upstai... see more
Mary Bowers expressed gratitude for Rebecca Wolle
thanks so much, Rebecca! really appreciate your quick, clear communication and the very high quality rake and stakes you contributed to my friend's garden dreams
Mary Bowers expressed gratitude for Kris Topaz
Kris initially offered gladiolus bulbs, then generously added borage, comfrey, columbines and a fern! My friend and I are so grateful and her garden (and the pollinators!) will be much better off for seasons to come! Thank you!
Joanna Brook expressed gratitude for Kelly Cacan
Thank you Kelly for the evening primrose. I know my house cats will love watching the birds enjoying the seeds!
Judy S-B expressed gratitude for Joanna Brook
Thanks so much, Joanna, for being willing to spend another hour on the phone with me while I get organized! Your company and moral support while I was excavating in the 'alligator pit' next to my bed was extremely helpful. After we hung up, I found a missing library book in there! I especially appreciate that you made yourself available to me and were present for me even when there was a lot going on in *your* home/life. Thanks again! Judy (she/her)
Taylor Ellwood expressed gratitude for Tara Jones
Thank you for the two containers of veg stock. I look forward to using it in my cooking.
Thomas Price expressed gratitude for Morgan M
So sorry I have not remembered to say thank you! It is one of those things that took a long time to connect and now say thank you, but Thank you! Thank you so much.
Judy S-B expressed gratitude for Joanna Brook
Thank you so much, Joanna, for your help this morning! It was amazing having online company and moral support for cleaning up my apartment. After our meeting was over I had so much momentum that I kept working for several hours and it really made a difference. It was exactly what I needed. Blessings, Judy
Davin Yannick expressed gratitude for Marianna Monaco
This looks great! Thanks so much, Marianna! I appreciate your generosity.
Kris Topaz expressed gratitude for Joanna Brook
Kevin E. expressed gratitude for Thomas Price
Thank you for coming over today, Thomas. I appreciate you taking the time to bring Kindista cards, stickers, etc. I look forward to sharing Kindista with others. Blessings to you! 🙏🍉🍵🌈
Brynn Devereux joined Kindista
Brynn Devereux expressed gratitude for Rachel McDaid
Rachel, thank you ever so much for inviting me to participate as well as resenting the link. You're amazing!!
Erin Q. expressed gratitude for Rebecca Wolle
Thank you so much for such a nice little rolling desk, Rebecca! We are thrilled to have it and it’s perfect for our needs.
Jeanne Wright joined Kindista
Ishe Abel joined Kindista
Kevin E. expressed gratitude for Tara Jones
Thank you Tara for the beautiful gift of meditation beads. I appreciate it greatly. Blessings to you!
Kevin E. expressed gratitude for pamela fitzpatrick
Pam, thank you for sharing the gift of kefir grains with me and packaging them so nicely. I appreciated your note and tips, too! Blessings to you! :-)
Eve Kelani King joined Kindista
Kris Topaz expressed gratitude for Eve King-Lehman