Eugene, OR, US
Joseph Newton expressed gratitude for eleanor myers
Thanks for the wonderful chambray shirt you gifted at the Buy Nothing Day event. It will fill an important niche in my wardrobe.
Kavana Tree Bressen expressed gratitude for eleanor myers
Thank you for the book about Barnaby & the pigeons that i picked up at the share-fair. What lovely illustrations!
Llyn Peabody expressed gratitude for eleanor myers
Dear Eleonor - I was at the Holiday Sharing Circle in Eugene last month (Black Friday) and found two books that you had shared. "MIss Z - The Dark Young Lady" and "The Bears' Counting Book". Beautiful illustrations in both! They will be re-gifted to loved ones in my circle. Much thanks for bringing really nice stuff to the event; not just junk to get rid of. Be well, Llyn
Laura Zuke expressed gratitude for eleanor myers
Thank you, Eleanor, for the pair of gloves you donated to the Holiday Free Market. These gloves are keeping my hands dry and warm, especially as I bicycle this time of year. PS Thank you for offering gas money for transport and I was already in your neighborhood for other personal activities and glad to contribute to the well being of our earth, too.
Jason Lieberman expressed gratitude for Jasun Plaedo Wellman
Thanks for loaning out a canopy to Rock the Vote! The event was awesome, and thanks to your gift, our performers were able to rock Kesey Square for 8 solid hours with the peace of mind of having their equipment dry. Of course you can appreciate easily, since you were one of our performers..thank you for that as well!
Kavana Tree Bressen expressed gratitude for Grant Mueller
Thank you so much for spending several hours today helping me with spam filters, i hugely appreciate it!
Julie Wolfgram expressed gratitude for barb ryan
Barb, the delivery of the clock was an extra measure that meant so much to me. Thank you for your kindness and good cheer. Blessings, Julie
Alexandra Geddes expressed gratitude for barb ryan
Thank you so much for the bookshelf. They have all their books and music on it, and it's perfect!
Marla Worm expressed gratitude for Heather S
Thank you so much for the couch! We love it!
Mark Hurwit expressed gratitude for Heather S
Thanks, Heather, for the egg cartons.
They will be used not only by the chicken
farmers, but by all the people receiving
those (organic, free-range) eggs.
Love spreading far and wide!
Alicia Kristen expressed gratitude for Betzi Hitz
Thank you so much! We are very excited to drink this healthy beverage again and share it with the Environmental Studies department at UO.
Brieonna gabbard expressed gratitude for Betzi Hitz
thank you (: they are lovely
John Meiser expressed gratitude for Betzi Hitz
Betzi, Thanks !!
Careta Mae expressed gratitude for Betzi Hitz
gracias for posting the Dance event
Mary Byrnes expressed gratitude for James Kalafus
Thanks for researching my web browsing issue, James! I'll look into the firestick and give you a call if I have other questions! Thanks so much!
Hannah Torres expressed gratitude for Megan Swan
Megan, you are the best. Awesome that you are so enthusiastic about my developing ideas. I just wanted to thank you for gifting me the blenders. I cant wait to have breakfast smoothies again.
Amanda Krichbaum expressed gratitude for Jason Lieberman
Thanks Jason, for getting my interview on Gender Fluidity on the internet, so I can link to it!
Valerie Willman expressed gratitude for Eugene Avant Gardeners
Thanks so much for moving that GIANT pile of leaves onto my garden Sunday!
Zahra Indigo expressed gratitude for Jasun Plaedo Wellman
Jasun, thank you for your prior participation in the Emerald Valley Time Exchange! As we transition to Kindista, I want to acknowledge the time you gave to the EVTE community.
Kristin Fay de Buhr expressed gratitude for Jasun Plaedo Wellman
Big Thanks to Plaedo for helping us get a keg of delicious Brew Dr. Kombucha for our fundraiser kick-off this Sunday at Cornbread Cafe'. Big Gratitude!