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Warrior Sisters Society

nonprofit organization

Eugene, OR, US

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    15 months ago

    Uncle Samuel Spinoza Junior I expressed gratitude for Julie Kirk

    Hello Divine Mercy Sister...I would love to help all females of EARTH..

    In two amazing never spoke before ways.



    But thanks Lord yet existing

    15 months ago

    Uncle Samuel Spinoza Junior I expressed gratitude for Julie Kirk

    Btw.... Oregon is kinda of too cold for me now .. otherwise...unless....I find a indoor medicinal work..I will love so much to come help ya

    I am also believe or not.. striving to connect to another soul to REINVENT holistic health systems.

    We got to heal every single cell of our human bodies..

    Of course

    Aho Metakiuase gratidao NATUREZA Universo MAHINDRA MAE Universo REINARA'

    114 months ago

    Alicia Los Muertos expressed gratitude for The Kindista Team

    I'm so grateful for all the hard working individuals of Kindista! I'm thankful there's an amazing community and support system with like minded people out there. Thank you for the idea generators and people wanting to make a difference in this world! Take a bow and have a pat on the back. Y'all ROCK!!!! XOXOX

    115 months ago

    Julie Kirk expressed gratitude for Joy Sisto

    Joy Sisto, you rock! Thanks for putting up with my incredible flakiness. This will really help our new Warrior Sisters chapters get started. Thank you - I wish goodness and joy and love for you and yours.

    119 months ago

    Alana Roby expressed gratitude for Eugene Avant Gardeners

    Thanks to the Eugene Avant Gardeners for letting me know about this site!

    118 months ago

    Dharzel expressed gratitude for Julie Kirk

    Thanks for hooking me up with Kindista!

    131 months ago

    Kat O expressed gratitude for Julie Kirk

    Thanks, Julie, for offering the bike! It's too bad our schedules didn't work but I'm sure the new owner will love it!

    131 months ago

    Karen Januszewski expressed gratitude for Julie Kirk

    Much gratitude to Julie for the bike and the ride downtown so I could easily get it home on the bus. I really appreciated the conversation and sharing too, so I hope we have a chance to meet again soon!

    119 months ago

    Alana Roby joined Kindista

    117 months ago

    Alicia Los Muertos joined Kindista

    118 months ago

    Julie Kirk expressed gratitude for Anchen Texter

    Thanks for teaching me the difference between seed pods and flowers! I'm learning. Thanks for being so understanding.

    118 months ago

    Thaston B Riklon expressed gratitude for Warrior Sisters Society

    Thanks for calling her back!


    127 months ago

    Samantha krop joined Kindista

    130 months ago

    Julie Kirk expressed gratitude for Elena D

    Thank you, Jennefer Harper for the lovely starts! They are so appreciated. Much love.

    129 months ago

    Julie Kirk expressed gratitude for Mindy L Schultz

    Thanks and respect to Mindy for always going the extra mile. And for helping to spread the word!

    127 months ago

    Samantha krop expressed gratitude for Warrior Sisters Society

    This organization is doing amazing work! Check out their women's and youth Free self defense classes to see for yourself!

    132 months ago

    Julie Kirk joined Kindista

    130 months ago

    Julie Kirk expressed gratitude for Chauce Coxon

    Much gratitude to Chause Coxon for the grape starts. Pete will baby them into deliciousness! Thanks!

    157 months ago

    cindy ingram joined Kindista