Eugene, OR, US
Jan Wulling expressed gratitude for Thomas Price
Thomas is generous, dependable, and enjoyable. Thank you!!
Judy S-B expressed gratitude for Tara Jones
Thank you so much, Tara, for the organic potatoes! I'm excited about my upcoming potato-ey kitchen creations :-) Love, Judy
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Eamon Walker
I'm grateful that I can count on you to help when I get stuck on technical challenges that come up in the process improving Kindista.
Katherine Sloan expressed gratitude for Tara Jones
Thank you so much Tara, the winter will be so much more cozy with your gift!!
pamela fitzpatrick expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Very beautiful currant starts. Thank you for letting me adopt such well cared for plants! pam
John Meiser expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Very much appreciated. Thank You!!
Karen Lefer expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Thanks so much Benjamin for these babies! Looking forward to nurting these plants...
Kavana Tree Bressen expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Thank you for the 2 golden currant seedlings, and for dropping them off here. I planted them out this weekend.
Libby Kennard expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
I’m so excited to get these into my garden this weekend! Thank you for sharing your abundance.
Bekah Hill expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall, The Kindista Team, and Eamon Walker
A big thanks going out to Kindista, to all those who contributed to its creation and its ongoing support! It brings me a lot of joy and inspiration! Lots of love!!!
Sumitra Daragon expressed gratitude for Tara Jones
Thank you Tara Jones for the Nat Geos! I will spend this hot summer joyfully making art from them. Blessings!
Jerry Pergamit expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Looks good. Thanks.
Suzanne Denker expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Thanks for the steam iron, Benjamin. I appreciate you dropping it off. Now I'll have to see how it works! Best wishes to you.
Fatima Hirsi expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Someone in my book club will be so excited to be saved from ordering this online! Such a good book, & grateful it facilitated meeting such a good human 💫
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thank you so much for all your help getting my internet connection back up. I'm really grateful for your friendship!
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Emily Boyer
I'm grateful for the amazing job you are doing as CommonGoods Network's new Executive Director.
Kevin E. expressed gratitude for Thomas Price
Thomas, thank you for meeting with me this morning to coach me around social media. I found your suggestions to be quite helpful and look forward to expanding my experiences around social media. Thanks for teaching me about Foursquare and Swarm and giving me resources to help my business in the local community. Blessings to you!
Jason Lieberman expressed gratitude for jeremy spafford
Thank you for giving me a lift in a pinch! You saved me a half-hour walk home when I really just needed to get to bed. Thanks for being part of what makes our community great!
Susan Detroy expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Thank you for your offering
Mary A Miller expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Benjamin put the two plants very carefully in a usable bag, that could be easily replanted, which I did. I am very, very grateful to Benjamin for waiting for me after all the fire issues, etc. He's a really great guy. Thank you.