Eugene, OR, US
Arian Leffingwell expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
I'm extremely grateful for all the help/advice you've given me and for inviting me to solsara, thank you!
Neighborhood Anarchist Collective expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
I am so happy to have met you and found this site. Thank you for all your efforts!
Alegria Alegria expressed gratitude for jeremy spafford
Expressing Gratitude for Jeremy Stafford who answered my Request to help me with matting my original drawings if I need help in the future. I'm so grateful for Kindista and Lovely Compassionate and Generous People in Community.
Careta Mae expressed gratitude for Azalea Jane
Glorious! thank you for the focus, and simplicity while recording.
jeremy spafford expressed gratitude for Mahni Deahl
OMG! Mahni your ampcoil machine is changing my life! haha! No seriously I havent felt this good in a while. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful healing modality. And thanks for all the wonderful books I scrounged from your yard and all the wonderful conversations and quality time! I've been feeling a lot better the last few days, and am immensely grateful!
jeremy spafford expressed gratitude for James Kalafus
Thanks for the awesome blanket. I'll take it as a sign that it's imbubed with warmth, picking it up on such a hot day!
Tadashi Jones joined Kindista
Amber Jones expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thank you for gifting the charger to us. It reinforced the ease of abundance natural to Terra in a way i really appreciate. She practiced gratitude for that today. And thanks for your PSA at the end of dance today, though that's separate and entirely unrelated. I only heard second hand.
carly young expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thanks Skye for your dedication and passion!
Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for carly young
Thanks for joining Kindista. I really loved spending time with you, and having family dinner. See ya soon!
Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Milan Nagy
Your work in the world is meaningful. I have such gratitude for you personally for taking interest in me and my ideas, for the fun times we spent wrestling along the bike path, and also on behalf of the planet and the beings, including yourself, that you work to liberate. Thank you.
Eamon Walker expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Thank you for helping me load my moving van!
Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Benjamin Crandall
Benjamin's thick purple silk and hemp shirt is awesome!! Y'all should be jealous seeing me wear it around town. It's also very durable, so I will be putting it up for auction as a Kindista fundraiser in the year 2027. Stay tuned!! Thanks Benjamin
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Arian Leffingwell
Thanks for all your help over the past few months working behind the scenes to improve Kindista. I'm really grateful to have you on the programming team.
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Arian Leffingwell, Eamon Walker, and Ben Collver
Thanks to Eamon, Ben, and Arian for pitching in to help with our recent server migration. All three of you helped get our server into good shape to keep Kindista growing.
Esteban Rios expressed gratitude for Victoria M
Super kind of Vicki to offer her spare lawnmower; couldn't have come at a better time!
Emily Boyer expressed gratitude for Esteban Rios
Thank you for thinking of me, offering help in the ways you can, and for doing sweet things just because you're a kind person. <3
Sara Clark expressed gratitude for Azalea Jane and Benjamin Crandall
Many thanks to Benjamin for all the many website enhancements, big and small! Group capabilities were a lot of work and a huge step in our capabilities as an organization! And, I love that now when I reply to an offer or request that the original poster's name appears so I make sure to spell it right.
I am also really excited to hear that Damien is helping out on site work as well. The new note following a gratitude of a request by that person being thanked is a great way to support increased reciprocity within our community and network. Thanks Damien!
Benjamin Crandall expressed gratitude for Azalea Jane
Thank you Damien for all of the dedication and passion you are putting into learning programming and diving into Kindista's codebase. I'm deeply appreciating having you to collaborate with on a daily basis. Keep up the excellent work!
The Kindista Team expressed gratitude for Azalea Jane
Thank you Damien for the improvements you have contributed to Kindista's functionality. Thank you for programming the reciprocation box that are now part of statements of gratitude. Thank you for adding tag links for items on the Offers/Requests pages. And thank you for adding the message indicator on the top menu bar of the mobile version. All great contributions!